Sometimes, the words we can’t say out loud weigh us down the most. This is a quiet corner of the internet where you can write unsent letters and release emotions.

A Space for Unsent Letters

Write to someone you’ll never confront, someone you’ve lost, or even a version of yourself you need to release. This is about giving your emotions a voice—without judgment or consequence.

How It Works

Pour out your heart, type their name if you want, and hit “Send.” Your words won’t go anywhere—they’ll dissolve into the void, leaving no trace. Just you and a moment of relief.

Who Created This

I spent 14 years—11 of them married—with someone I couldn’t talk to. Every time I tried, my words were twisted or thrown back at me, often in vicious ways, so I learned to stay silent. That silence piled up, heavy and breaking, until I couldn’t carry it anymore. I built this space because I know what it’s like to need a way out when you can’t speak. It’s for anyone holding onto words they couldn’t say—like I did when I lost my father to cancer as a kid, or in those years of quiet I couldn’t escape.

This is why it’s here. I found out the hard way that unsaid words don’t just sit there—they eat at you. Writing them down, even if they vanish into nothing, can lighten that load. It’s not about fixing things or facing anyone—it’s about taking back what keeping quiet stole. I’ve felt that relief, and I made this so you can too. No one sees it. No trace stays. Just you and the void, letting go.

Ready to Let Go?

Write your letter whenever you need to—day or night, as often as you feel it. This space is yours.

Write Your Letter

“We need to hear ourselves—to let out what’s been locked in.” – Alice Miller